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Bouquet Romantic Joy of Tulips


In simplicity is beauty, tulips as one of the messengers of spring, which are year after year more popular we adorned with small flowers and wrapped in the decor of paper. The bouquet is tied with a satin bow.

This bouquet full of tulips also loved the beautiful Patricia Vittek and her delightful daughters, who are very happy :)

PS: Part of the decoration is the decorative paper decor, which is not down from the bouquet

NEW! Free Flower Food - Nutrition for Flowers


11 x tulip (colour according to stock), decorated with tiny flowers

Average height of the bouquet: about 40-50 cm

€44.71 (without VAT)
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When purchasing over €39, you do not pay for the courier!
Contact us for more help : +421 904 219 319 or get in touch by email

Gift for bouquet:

Bouquet 7 roses + Merci

Surprise with Merci

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Hugo Boss Boss Orange

womens toalet water 75ml 

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Delivery in  2 hoursIf you send bouquet in Bratislava. We always guarantee fresh flowers!Delivery in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary and Austria.