Telephone orders and a customer line
+421 904 219 319

Pink roses bouquet 5-20


Roses are certainty



Send a rose - the queen of flowers, symbol of love and beauty - in any count.

NOTICE! If you wish to mix colors, please write to us in your order in the field "comments to us" what colors you wish and as divided, or half and half, or one color to the center and a second color around. The color availability, contact us by mail or through chat.



Number of roses depend on you.

Average height of the bouquet: 50 - 60cm

Price: = €54.40
€44.23 (without VAT)
When purchasing over €39, you do not pay for the courier!
Contact us for more help : +421 904 219 319 or get in touch by email

Gift for bouquet:

Eucalyptus + chryzantema

eucalyptus + chryzantema

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Eucalyptus + Lily

eucalyptus + Lily

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Delivery in  2 hoursIf you send bouquet in Bratislava. We always guarantee fresh flowers!Delivery in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary and Austria.
Eucalyptus + tanacetum

eucalyptus + tanacetum

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Eucalyptus + baumwolle

eucalyptus + baumwolle

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Eucalyptus + Alstroméria

eucalyptus + alstroméria

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