Telephone orders and a customer line
+421 904 219 319

Bouquet Mysterious Love 30

30 red roses


Spectacular bouquet of roses complemented with white flowers and a beautiful satin bow will say all the words of love. 


30 x red rose, 15 x gypsophila (white flowers), 8 x aspidistra (leaves), greenery, decoration

Average height of the bouquet: 60 - 70 cm

€145.67 (without VAT)
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When purchasing over €39, you do not pay for the courier!
Contact us for more help : +421 904 219 319 or get in touch by email

Gift for bouquet:

Delivery in  2 hoursIf you send bouquet in Bratislava. We always guarantee fresh flowers!Delivery in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary and Austria.
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