Telephone orders and a customer line
+421 904 219 319

Bouquet Garden variety


A beautiful, full color bouquet of several kinds of flowers, wrapped in the Galeria Kvetin style, in paper and double satin ribbon. If you would like this bouquet, for example, only two colors or certain colors, write to us in the note in the order and do our best to bring your request closer. The bouquet is suitable for any occasion such as, for example, birth of a child, birthday, anniversary or just love.

This bouquet of colorful flowers was also popular with Alexandra Orviska.

PS: Part of the decoration is the decorative paper decor, which is not down from the bouquet

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Mix of flowers according to stock and season, greenery, satin ribbon  - 2 colors, decoration

Average height of the bouquet: about 50 cm

€81.22 (without VAT)
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Contact us for more help : +421 904 219 319 or get in touch by email

Gift for bouquet:

Delivery in  2 hoursIf you send bouquet in Bratislava. We always guarantee fresh flowers!Delivery in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary and Austria.